Author. Crossroad Witch. High Priestess.
"I am who I am. Witch. I give honor to those who have gone before me. To those who carried it as a burden, I cry for you. To those who carried it in joy, I dance for you.
Most importantly, I remember."
Taren S., a proud Southern Conjuring Witch with over 40 years of experience, is the founder of the House of Witchcraft, a tradition that celebrates all paths of magick and expressions of Divinity. Her first book, "Hoodoo in the Psalms," is a bestseller, and her latest release, "Conjuring Dirt: Magick of Footprints, Crossroads, and Graveyards," delves into the magickal significance of natural and symbolic elements. After spending seven years in California, she now resides on a small farm near John’s Island, outside Charleston, SC, where she continues to practice and teach her unique blend of magick, enriching her practice with diverse spiritual insights and fostering an inclusive magickal community.
To learn more about Taren S., the books she has writen, and the history of her journey and practice, read her biography
You can also hear directly from Taren herself on her youtube channel House of Witchcraft!
Witchy folks tips, recipes, insights and after hours secrets! The House of Witchcraft is a Crossroads Witchcraft tradition celebrating the balance of divinity (light and dark). We embrace diversity and inclusion.
Taren S. has made numerous appearances in the magickal community far and wide. To watch or listen to those appearances or request an appearance