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Witchy Activity Wednesday 6/19

Writer: Taren STaren S

Introducing Witchy Activity Wednesday. A weekly series of witch activities (writing prompts, spells, rituals, etc) to help support your spiritual journey. This week's activity is about.....

Cast a home protection spell

Home protection spells are a staple in many witches' repertoires. They are relatively easy to cast, and can be adapted to fit almost any situation. Whether you're looking to keep negative energy out of your home, or ward off evil spirits, there is a home protection spell that can help. Here is one you can use or feel free to make your own.

Elemental Home Protection Spell


-A piece of paper

-A pen or pencil

-A black marker

-A white candle

-An object to represent each element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)


1. On the piece of paper, draw a door. This will be the entrance to your home.

2. Write your name, or the names of your family members, on the door.

3. On the top of the door, write the words "In Protection We Dwell".

4. Place the paper door in front of you, and light the candle.

5. Pick up the object that represents Earth, and say:

"Earth, I ask that you grant me protection from all harm. Keep me safe from those who would do me harm. Surround my home with your strength and stability."

6. Place the object on the paper door.

7. Pick up the object that represents Air, and say:

"Air, I ask that you grant me the power of foresight. Help me to see danger before it arrives. Fill my home with your cleansing breezes."

8. Place the object on the paper door.

9. Pick up the object that represents Fire, and say:

"Fire, I ask that you grant me the courage to face my fears. Give me the strength to stand up to those who would do me harm. Surround my home with your fiery protection."

10. Place the object on the paper door.

11. Pick up the object that represents Water, and say:

"Water, I ask that you grant me the ability to flow around obstacles. Help me to avoid those who would do me harm. Surround my home with your gentle waters."

12. Place the object on the paper door.

13. Take a moment to visualize your home surrounded by a bubble of white light. See the light protecting you from all harm.

14. Extinguish the candle, and place the paper door near your front door, or in a place where it will not be disturbed.

Repeat this activity every month, and soon you will have created a powerful shield of protection around your home. Feel free to adjust the spell to fit your needs and intentions. Blessed be!

Be sure to share your experience 13 Moons Community Forum.




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