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Writer's pictureTaren S

Witchcraft and the Psalms: Ancient Words, Timeless Power

Witchcraft and the Psalms: Ancient Words, Timeless Power

Well, Witches and other interesting magickal beings, let’s gather around and talk about one of the oldest forms of magick that you may not immediately think of—using the Psalms. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Psalms? Isn’t that from the Bible?” Oh, honey, yes, they are! But don’t let that throw you off. The Psalms have been used in Witchcraft and folk magick for centuries. Witches who understood that the power in these verses lies not in religious dogma but in the vibration and intention of the words themselves.

A Little History for You

Let’s go back to the roots for a moment. The Psalms, those lovely little songs and poems, were likely composed by King David and a few other wise folks from his time. Now, King David wasn’t just some king lounging around in fancy robes; no, he had a mystical side. Many stories say he was connected to Divine magick, channeling his power through music and words.

Throughout history, Witches, folk healers, and Cunning folk across cultures have used these Psalms in spells, incantations, and protective rites. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire used the Psalms as part of their protective rituals. Over in Ethiopia, the Orthodox Christian community had their own mystical practices involving these ancient words, blending them into their magickal traditions. And down in New Orleans, Voodoo practitioners incorporated Psalms into their spiritual workings, using them for protection, blessings, and even to call forth spirits.

The beauty of the Psalms is that they’re universal. Anyone who works with magick can tap into their energy, regardless of tradition. The power, Witches and other magickal beings, is in the words, not the religion.

So How Do You Use the Psalms in Magick?

Ah, here’s the fun part. You can incorporate Psalms into your Witchcraft practices in all sorts of ways. Think of them as verbal sigils—each word holds energy that you can direct toward your intention. Whether you're looking for protection, prosperity, or healing, there’s a Psalm for that.

Change the Words to Fit Your Path

Now, if you’re feeling a little funny about using words like “God” or “Lord” in your spells, don’t worry. You’re not alone. The original Hebrew texts use words like Elohim, which translates more accurately to “The Divine Powers” or “The Mighty Ones.” These names reflect the universal, cosmic energy rather than any one specific deity. So, when you’re working with the Psalms in your magickal practice, feel free to swap out those words for something that resonates with you. Whether you prefer “Creator of the Cosmos,” “Universe,” or “Divine Spirit,” the important thing is that the words align with your intention and personal path. You’re not bound by the old translations—you have the freedom to make the words work for your magick.

Protection Spells with Psalms

Let’s say you’re feeling a bit vulnerable and need to protect yourself, your home, or someone you care about. Psalm 121 is a classic for protection. In fact, it’s been used in Hoodoo, Southern Conjure and folk magick for ages.

Here’s a simple way to work with Psalm 121 for protection:

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Light a white candle for purity and protection.

Visualize a shield of light around you or the person you’re working for.

Recite Psalm 121 aloud, with intention, making a slight change to the language:

"I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Creator of the Cosmos, the Maker of heaven and earth..."

As you speak the words, imagine that protective shield growing stronger with each verse.

When you’re done, let the candle burn down safely, or snuff it out if you need to. That shield will stay with you.

Prosperity Spells with Psalms

Now, if you’re in need of a little financial boost—because who couldn’t use that from time to time—Psalm 65 is your friend. 

Here’s a quick prosperity ritual using Psalm 65:

On a Thursday (a day of abundance), gather a green candle, some cinnamon (for wealth), and a coin or bill.

Anoint the candle with a little bit of olive oil and sprinkle the cinnamon around it.

Hold the coin or bill in your hand and visualize your financial goals coming true—whether it’s getting a new job, paying off debts, or simply finding some extra cash.

Recite Psalm 65, feeling the abundance it describes filling your life, and replacing the traditional wording with something more aligned with your magickal path:

"The streams of the Creator of the Universe are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it..."

Keep that coin or bill in your wallet or money jar as a charm.

Healing with Psalms

If you or someone you love needs healing, turn to Psalm 6. It’s been used historically for both physical and emotional healing, and it’s as simple as sitting by the bedside, reciting it with care.

Try this little healing charm:

Light a blue candle for healing and place a piece of amethyst near it.

Write the name of the person who needs healing on a slip of paper and place it under the candle.

Recite Psalm 6 while visualizing light surrounding the person, healing them from the inside out. You can shift the language slightly here, too:

"Have mercy on me, Creator of the Cosmos, for I am faint; heal me, Mother-Father of All, for my bones are in agony..."

Keep the candle burning as long as safely possible, focusing on healing energy.

A Few Final Thoughts

Using Psalms in Witchcraft is about harnessing the power of words and intention. These ancient texts have a resonance that’s stood the test of time, and there’s no reason Witches today can’t use them in their craft. Remember, the words themselves are powerful tools, and when spoken with intent, they can move mountains—or at least bring a little more magick into your life.

So go ahead, dust off that old book of Psalms and see what power you can unlock! After all, Witches have always been resourceful, blending old traditions with new, making magick wherever we find it. By changing a word here and there, like “God” or “Lord” to something that resonates more deeply with your spirit, you’re weaving your own energy into the spellwork, making it truly yours. Happy casting!

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