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The Power of Liminal Spaces

There is something special about liminal spaces. These in-between places have a unique power that can be harnessed for transformation. In many traditions, liminal spaces are where important rites of passage are performed.

What makes these space so magical? Maybe it’s because they are neither here nor there, or maybe it’s because they are places of great potential. Whatever the reason, liminal spaces offer us a unique opportunity to tap into their power.

What are liminal spaces?

Liminal spaces are hard to define, but they can be thought of as in-between places. These places are neither here nor there, and they often exist on the margins of society. In many traditions, liminal spaces are where important rites of passage are performed.

What makes these space so magical? Maybe it’s because they are neither here nor there, or maybe it’s because they are places of great potential. Whatever the reason, liminal spaces offer us a unique opportunity to tap into their power.

The power of liminal spaces

The power found within liminal spaces is unique but without a doubt very powerful. In many traditions, these in-between places are used for important rites of passage. It is also a place to open doors, cast circles, hold rituals. It is within these magickal properties that we often find the power to transform our lives.

How to use liminal spaces for transformation

There are many ways to use liminal spaces for transformation. One way is to use it as a space to quite literally open doors. Door of possibilities and realms. As you move through the doorways you can leave what no longer serves you behind and step into your power.

Another way to use liminal spaces is to hold rituals or cast spells within them. The power of these actions is amplified in these special places. By working with the energies of liminal spaces, you can create powerful change in your life.

Examples of liminal spaces

There are many different types of liminal spaces. Some examples include:

- margins or edges of society

- doorways or archways

- space between objects (ie trees)

- crossroads or thresholds

- in-between places (neither here nor there)

- transitional spaces (e.g. puberty, menopause, retirement)

- places of great potential or change

Here are some tips for working with liminal spaces:

- Be open to possibility. Liminal spaces are places of great potential. Allow yourself to explore what these space have to offer.

- Be respectful. Remember that these spaces are often on the margins of society. Be respectful of the space and those who inhabit it.

- Be patient. Transformations often take time. Allow the process to unfold in its own time.

- Be cautions. Have a clear intention before opening and working in liminal spaces. This is a realm that can uproot your whole life.

Magickal Spell for Working with Liminal Spaces

This spell can be used to harness the power of liminal spaces for transformation.


- 1 white candle

- 1 black candle

- sage or palo santo for cleansing

- a door or threshold (this can be literal or symbolic)

- potato


1. Begin by cleansing yourself and the space with sage or palo santo.

2. Place the white candle at one side of the door or threshold and the black candle at the other.

3. Light the candles and say:

"I open myself to transformation

In between the worlds I stand

Ready to leave behind what no longer serves me

And step into my power"

4. Walk through the crossroad then cut a potato in half and place it in the middle crossroad while saying:

"This potato shall absorb all that is no longer needed

And release it into the Otherworld

As I step into my power"

5. Leave the potato at the crossroad for 24 hours. After this time, bury it in the earth. Particularly the center of a crossroad. Once buried DO NOT LOOK BACK AND FORGET ABOUT IT,

If you don't have access to a crossroad you can create one by drawing a circle on a piece of paper with a crossroad. Like this.

Print the above and place it on your altar to open your crossroad and work within a liminal space.

Liminal spaces are places of great power and potential. By working with these energies, we can create powerful change in our lives. Whether it’s opening doors to new possibilities or casting spells for transformation, liminal spaces offer us a unique opportunity to tap into their power.

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