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Self Love Ritual Bath

Writer's picture: Ash SmithAsh Smith

“I am enough!”

Self-love ritual bath

Ritual by Ashianna Smith

Here at the House of Witchcraft we are beginning to start our Shadow Work journey and in preparation we are practicing self love and self acceptance. Leaning into Shadow Work will at points break you down. Facing the darkest parts of yourself isn't easy going good stuff. But it rewarding and beneficial. So to prepare we are going to use the upcoming full moon (Jan. 28th) energy for self love and acceptance. Check out the ritual below.

Supplies Needed:

  • Mirror

  • “I am enough” Sigil

  • Bath

  • White and/or Pink Candle(s)

  • Rose Petals

  • Lavender Buds

  • Epsom Salt

  • Himalayan Pink Salt

  • Optional - Full Moon Water and favorite incense …. Glass of wine :)

Step 1: Prepare your bathroom / headspace / sacred space

Get all your items together to have a lovely evening with yourself. Grab your ritual supplies and also the things that put you in a great place to celebrate yourself. Play music that inspires you or calms you. Pour that glass of wine. Fluff those towels in the dryer. This is all about pampering yourself! So do whatever makes you feel good and inspires your self-love.

Step 2: Cast “I am enough” spell

Now that you are in your sacred space of self love, take the sigil and tape it to the mirror. After placing it on the mirror, look at yourself in the mirror and say (fill the blank in with whatever you want, with however many you want):

I am enough

I am brave enough

I am smart enough

I am beautiful enough

I am ________ enough

I am enough!

Keep sigil on your mirror to remind you that you are enough every time you look in the mirror for as long as you need.

Step 3: Draw your bath

Fill the bath with warm, but not hot, water. As the tub is filling, imagine that the water is filled with love, confidence, and peace. You’re not only filling the tub with water, but you’re also filling it with these energies.

Step 4: Empower the bath

Grab your candle(s) and light. While lighting, say:

I am enough

I am brave enough

I am smart enough

I am beautiful enough

I am ________ enough

I am enough!

Place candle(s) around the edge of the bathtub. Grab Epsom salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, rose petals and lavender buds (full moon water if you want). Sprinkle into bath while saying:

I am enough

I am brave enough

I am smart enough

I am beautiful enough

I am ________ enough

I am enough!

Repeat in your head or out loud until you feel as though the water has been infused with your intent.

Step 5: Enjoy the bath.

Once the tub is finished filling up or as it’s finishing, light some more candles or your favorite incense. Refill that glass of wine. Keep the music flowing and hop in that bath. Allow the water to cover your body and the energies you have built to wash over you. Close your eyes. Breathe and repeat: "I am enough."

Really feel those words flow through you. Embrace their meaning. Accept their meaning.

When you are ready, open your eyes and enjoy your bath. Once you are finished with your bath, put on your comfiest pair of PJs, make a cup of tea (or another glass of wine) and spend the evening doing something you enjoy!

“I am enough” Sigil (right click to save and print)

I hope you enjoy your self-love “I am enough” ritual bath! Be sure to share and let us know how your self-love ritual went in the comments below.

Want to learn about creating your own Sigils? Subscribe to the House of Witchcraft YouTube Channel for live QAs with Taren S.

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2 comentários

Taren S
Taren S
12 de jan. de 2021

Aww glad you are going to participate with us. The sigil was created by one of the H.o.W members, Ashianna she makes a lot of various graphic sigils and we all resonated with this one and wanted to share. @praygada611


Membro desconhecido
12 de jan. de 2021

I am going to do this. The sigil speaks to me. Did you create the sigil? It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing.



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