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Writer's pictureTaren S

How to Call Forth Your Spirit Guides

If you're like most people, you probably have some idea of who or what a spirit guide is. Maybe you've seen them in movies or read about them in books. But what are they really? And how can you call forth your own spirit guides?

In this blog post, we'll explore the answers to these questions and more. We'll also provide a step-by-step guide on how to call forth your spirit guides. So if you're ready to learn more about this topic, keep reading!

What are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are nonphysical beings that offer guidance, support, and wisdom to those who summon them. They can be called upon for help with decision-making, healing, or any other area of life where guidance is needed.

Most people believe that we each have at least one spirit guide. Some believe that we have multiple guides, each with their own area of expertise. For example, you might have one guide who helps you with your love life and another who helps you with your career. Guides come in various forms, including animals, ancestors, angels, and even deceased loved ones.

Who or what can be a spirit guide?

As we mentioned before, spirit guides can take on many different forms. They can be animals, ancestors, angels, or even deceased loved ones. In some cases, a guide may be an entity that you've never met before. It's also possible for a guide to change form over time.

There are no hard and fast rules about who or what can be a spirit guide. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide who you want to work with. If you're not sure where to start, consider asking your Higher Self or the universe for guidance.

How can you call forth your spirit guides?

There are many different ways to summon your spirit guides. Some people use visualization, while others use chanting or prayer. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the method you choose.

If you're not sure how to call forth your spirit guide, here is a simple three-step process that you can follow:

1. First, relax and clear your mind of all thoughts. This will help you to focus and connect with your guide.

2. Once you're in a relaxed state, visualize your guide appearing before you. It doesn't matter what they look like or what form they take.

3. Finally, invite your guide to communicate with you. You can do this verbally or through visualization.

Once you've summoned your guide, be open to receiving their guidance. This may come in the form of a gut feeling, a series of thoughts, or even a dream. Trust your intuition and go with whatever feels right for you.

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What should you do once you've summoned your spirit guide?

Once you've summoned your spirit guide, it's important to listen to their guidance and advice. But how can you be sure that the guidance you're receiving is coming from your guide?

One way to tell is by paying attention to how the guidance makes you feel. If it feels good, supportive, and in alignment with your highest good, then it's likely that it's coming from your guide. On the other hand, if the guidance feels scary, overwhelming, or like it's leading you down a path you don't want to take, then it's probably not coming from your guide.

Another way to tell if the guidance you're receiving is coming from your guide is by paying attention to your intuition. If you get a strong intuitive hit about something, chances are it's coming from your guide. Trust your gut and go with whatever feels right for you.

What are some common misconceptions about spirit guides?

One of the most common misconceptions about spirit guides is that they are always benevolent and will never lead you astray. But this isn't necessarily true. Just like anyone else, spirit guides are fallible and they can make mistakes.

Another common misconception is that spirit guides are always available when you need them. But this isn't the case either. Sometimes your guide may need to take a break or they may be busy helping someone else. If you can't reach your guide, don't worry. They'll be there when you need them.

Finally, some people mistakenly believe that spirit guides are always perfect beings who know everything. But this couldn't be further from the truth. While spirit guides do have a lot of wisdom and knowledge, they're not omniscient. They're still learning and growing just like we are.

What are some signs that your spirit guide is trying to contact you?

There are many different ways that your guide can try to contact you. Some common signs include:

- Feeling a sudden urge to do something or go somewhere

- Having a series of vivid dreams

- Seeing repeating numbers or symbols

- Receiving guidance through your intuition or gut feelings

If you suspect that your guide is trying to contact you, pay attention to how you're feeling. If the guidance feels good and in alignment with your highest good, then it's likely that it's coming from your guide. Trust your intuition and go with whatever feels right for you.

Have you ever tried to summon your spirit guide? What was your experience like? Share in the comments below!

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